Contact Your Advisor

All IRSC degree seeking and dual enrollment students are assigned an academic advisor. The advisor assists students with educational and career goals. Our current assignment model is based on meta-majors, which allows advisors to work with students based on their program of study and partner with Deans, Faculty and Staff for a proactive approach to advising.
Students may connect with an Advisor and other student services using QLess. Join the line with Qless. Join from anywhere, wait where you want, and be notified when you've reached the front of the line. Advisors collaborate with assigned students in-person, by phone, email and virtually to develop Academic Plans and educational goals. The Academic Plan is an advising tool that maps out required courses for the student’s current program of study and provides the student and advisor a tracking mechanism towards degree progression. Each degree program has a specific Academic Plan for both full-time and part-time students. An Academic Plan should be developed within the student's first term of enrollment. Students may use their completed Academic Plan to select classes and register for subsequent terms.
Students who are undecided about academic or career choices will be advised of meta-majors related to a general area of interest. A meta-major is a collection of academic programs that have common or related content. The following meta-major academic pathways are established for the purposes of advising Florida College System Associate degree-seeking students of the gateway courses that are aligned with their intended academic and career goals.
- Arts, Humanities, Communication, and Design
- Business
- Education
- Health Sciences
- Industry/Manufacturing and Construction
- Public Safety
- Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences and Human Services
Students who graduated from a Florida public high school since 2007 and students who are serving as an active duty member of any branch of the United States armed services are exempt from mandatory placement testing and developmental course requirements. Students will be advised of the gateway courses tied to their major and/or meta-major and the developmental education options available to them. Students may use the free tutoring services provided by IRSC's Academic Support Centers, located at each campus, to aid them with their developmental or gateway courses. IRSC also provides free online tutoring through the IRSC Tutoring Center's website: