Catalog 2024 - 2025

Student Standards and Administration of Discipline

Student Standards of Discipline – po5200

A student charged with misconduct shall receive notice and shall have the opportunity for a hearing conducted by the Student Affairs Committee. The hearing shall be scheduled as promptly as possible without prejudicing the rights of the accused. The final decision regarding disciplinary action is the responsibility of the President.

The Associate Vice President of Student Life, or other designee indicated by the President, is authorized to administer all phases of student discipline including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Receive all complaints against students;
  2. Notify a student of any charges filed against him or her;
  3. Determine on a case by case basis any off-campus activity in which College jurisdiction should be asserted;
  4. Provide a student charged with misconduct the opportunity for a hearing;
  5. Recommend disciplinary action to the Student Affairs Committee;
  6. Implement sanctions for misconduct.

The President, or designee, shall have the authority to take immediate action to discipline students as deemed necessary, including the discretionary authority to impose warning, suspension, or recommend expulsion of a student pending a hearing or investigation.

Standards and guidelines established to assist students involved in the disciplinary process are described in AP-7.25, Student Disciplinary Guidelines and Procedures.                          

(Rev. 2017)




  1. As the President’s designated representative, the Associate Vice President of Student Life, in accordance with campus regulations on disciplinary procedures, may impose discipline for violation of College-wide policies or campus regulations whether or not such violations are also violations of law, and whether or not proceedings are or have been pending in the courts involving the same acts.
  2. Any student, faculty member, administrator or member of the College community may file a written complaint against a student with the Student Ombudsman/Student Advocate, or other designee and request the Student Affairs Committee to convene to consider the complaint. Any allegations should be submitted as soon as possible after the alleged violation takes place, preferably within seven (7) business days. Reports must be filed with the Student Obmudsman at the Office of Student Life within ninety (90) calendar days of the incident or knowledge about the incident. IRSC reserves the right to exercise professional discretion to extend this filing time in cases of harassment, endangerment, stalking or other behaviors that pose a threat to the safety, welfare or well-being of another person or the IRSC community or where the delay is related to victimization issues. However, filing this report does not mean the College will formally charge the accused with a violation. Whenever possible the College will attempt to resolve the matter through an informal resolution.
  3. Proceedings may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings at the discretion of the Vice President of Student Success.

    As a respondent to allegations, in this process a student or member of a student organization has the rights:

    • To timely notice;
    • Of a presumption that no violation occurred;
    • To an impartial hearing officer;
    • Against self-incrimination and to remain silent;
    • To present relevant information and question witnesses;
    • To have an advisor or advocate who is not serving in any other role; to have an advisor, advocate or legal representation present at formal and informal proceedings;
    • To appeal the final decision;
    • To receive copies of accurate and complete records of the relevant disciplinary proceedings; and
    • To be notified through the code of conduct of the institution’s time limit for charging them with violations, and the circumstances under which the time limit may be extended or waived.
  4. A formal resolution may involve a committee. The committee shall take measures it deems necessary to assure that sufficient time has elapsed for the accused to prepare a defense. The accused will receive a written notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing not less than seven

    (7) business days prior to the committee. However, maximum time limits for scheduling of a hearing may be extended at the discretion of the committee.

  5. The notice will include clear statement of the charges.
  6. The Vice President of Student Success or (appointee) will present facts about the case.
  7. Both the accused and the accuser shall have the right to make statements in extenuation or rebuttal and to call witnesses on their behalf. Both shall also have the right to question witnesses. Upon certification of due and proper notice to the accused on the date and time the meeting is to be held, and if the accused fails to appear, the committee has the right to assume the accused has made the decision not to appear, and thereby waives the privilege of both statements in extenuation and rebuttal, all questioning of witnesses, and presentation of witnesses on their behalf.
  8. Any member of the College faculty, staff, or any student or student group may appear only with prior permission of the Vice President of Student Success or the committee.
  9. The Vice President of Student Success, or designee, may make a recommendation to the committee.
  10. A student may be disciplined for off-campus conduct if such conduct affects his suitability as a student.
  11. The Vice President of Student Success may appoint such faculty, student, other advisory committees, or individual advisors as he desires. The responsibility for the implementation of sanctions for misconduct rests with the Vice President of Student Success in his capacity as delegated representative of the President. The final responsibility for the determination of sanctions for student misconduct is under state statute and Board policy, the final decision is the responsibility of the President. The Student Affairs Committee is the committee that hears student disciplinary cases at the College for the purpose of investigation and the search for truth.
  12. As the delegated representative of the President, the Vice President of Student Success, at their discretion may immediately impose warning, suspension or recommend dismissal of a student pending investigation. Other standards of discipline can be executed by the Vice President of Student Success or designee.
  13. During the term of any discipline which does not terminate student status, students continue to be subject to College policies and campus regulations.
  14. Within seven business days after a student has been disciplined, he may, if he wishes a review of his case, appeal to the Appeals Committee.
  15. The accused student shall be notified of the date, time, and room set for the committee to convene for consideration of the case; and shall be notified by return receipt mail, courier delivered written notice, authorized telephone notice, or electronic message with commensurate documentation of same.

NOTE: If the involved student withdraws, the administrative hearing shall be conducted in absentia


Categories of Misconduct:

  1. Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the College.
  2. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of College documents, records, or identification.
  3. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration of disciplinary procedures, or other College activities, including its public service functions, or conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any such persons.
  4. Theft or damage to property of the College or of a member of the College community or campus visitor.
  5. Unauthorized entry to or use of College facilities.
  6. Violation of College policies or of campus regulations including campus regulations concerning the registration of student organizations; the use of College facilities; or the time, place, and manner of public expressions.
  7. Consumption, use, possession, distribution or involvement with alcohol, illegal drugs, or substances, (e.g., heroin, cocaine, LSD, barbiturates, hallucinogens, narcotics, marijuana) or presence when/ where these substances are being used or consumed.
  8. Disorderly conduct or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression on College-owned property or at College-supervised functions.
  9. Failure to comply with directions of College officials acting in the performance of their duties.
  10. Conduct which adversely affects the student’s suitability as a member of the academic community. Students who aid others in disciplinary infractions are also subject to disciplinary action.
  11. Acts of sexual assault/battery (rape) or other forms of sexual misconduct, including harassment, exploitation, intimidation, or coercion.
  12. Inappropriate use or divulgence of student technology credentials (usernames and passwords) is strictly prohibited. To gain access to IRSC’s network, systems and data, authorized users are given credentials (ID and password). It is expected that students will follow these password requirements:
    • Students are accountable for all activities associated with their user IDs and passwords (credentials).
    • Students must keep their passwords secure and confidential. Sharing credentials is prohibited.
    • Students are prohibited from attempting to circumvent authentication and/or security of any computer, host, network, or application account.

Types of Discipline (Sanctions):

  1. Warning: Notice to the student that continuation or repetition of specified conduct may be cause for other disciplinary action.
  2. Censure: Written reprimand for violation of specified regulation.
  3. Disciplinary Probation: Exclusion from participation in privileges or extracurricular college activities as set forth in the notice of disciplinary probation for a specified period of time.
  4. Restitution: Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damages.
  5. Interim Suspension: Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities as set forth in the notice of suspension for a definite period of time.
  6. Suspension: Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities as set forth in the notice of suspension for a definite period of time.
  7. Expulsion: Permanent termination of student status without possibility of readmission.
  8. Other: Other types of discipline as set forth in campus regulations.