Catalog 2024 - 2025

Grade Appeal

Criteria for final grade determination and assignment are the prerogative of the instructor of record for all College courses. Only the primary instructor can change the final grade. Students who are not satisfied with their grade should first consult with their instructor to resolve the grade dispute.

If this step has been taken and the matter remains unresolved, students may then meet with their instructor’s Department Chair or Instructional Dean to have their grades reviewed and explained to them. After completing the above process, students who still wish to appeal their grade may meet with the Vice President presiding over the Dean. If the matter remains unresolved, the student must submit a request in writing to the Vice President of Student Success at If the Vice President of Student Success finds the request reasonable and appropriately substantiated, the matter will be referred to the Academic Review Committee. A formal meeting will be scheduled to review the student’s case, review any pertinent documentation and make an objective determination regarding the student’s final grade. After the review is completed, the Academic Review Committee will make a recommendation to the College President who will notify the student in writing of the College’s final decision.